Customer Feature Webinar: Explore the latest releases in IVR, MMS Messaging, and Social Media Integration.

Features Built For You

Our features provide a comprehensive and intuitive interface that allows you to easily track and manage all aspects of your contact center. From monitoring call flow to analyzing performance metrics, you have everything you need to optimize your operations and improve your bottom line. Additionally, our software offers unparalleled visibility into your contact center, giving you a real-time view of what is happening and the ability to quickly identify and address any issues.

Customer Features

Our contact center software is designed to provide customers with a better experience by allowing them to contact organizations in the way that is most convenient for them. Whether it’s through phone, email, or chat, our software makes it easy for customers to get in touch and have their needs addressed quickly and efficiently.

Features That Help Your Customers Immediately

Skills-based Routing

Our Skills-based routing feature is designed to get customers to the right person the first time, without the need for multiple transfers or lengthy explanations. This ensures a seamless customer experience and allows for more efficient resolution of inquiries.

Queue Callback

Instead of waiting on hold, customers can opt to receive a call back when an agent becomes available. This not only reduces frustration and improves the overall customer experience, but it also frees up customers’ time to take care of other tasks or responsibilities.

Web Chat

Our Web Chat feature provides customers with an easy-to-use interface for resolving questions and issues on their own terms. With just a few clicks, customers can connect with an agent through their web browser and get the assistance they need.

Agent Features

At Xima, we understand that your agents are the cornerstone of your contact center. That’s why we’ve designed our software with a range of features that empower agents to work more efficiently and easily. From intelligent call routing and personalized greetings to seamless call transfers and performance tracking, our agent features give your team the tools they need to deliver a superior customer experience. With Xima, your agents can focus on what they do best: delivering exceptional service and support to your customers.

Agent Dashboard

One of the standout features of our software is the Agent Dashboard. This powerful tool gives agents a single-pane-of-glass view of all their calls, including those in queue, as well as important performance metrics and customer information.

Intuitive Design

Great software should be easy to use and navigate. That’s why we’ve designed our contact center management software with an intuitive interface that makes it simple for agents and supervisors to find the information they need.

Multi-Channel Communication

Our contact center management software is designed to handle customer communication across multiple channels, giving you the flexibility to meet your customers where they are.

Remote Work

You’ll have the visibility that’s been lacking to make data-driven decisions. With Xima’s feature set, your agents will have everything they need to understand the customer and create a positive experience. 

Supervisor Features

Agents get the tools they need, immediately. Our intuitive interface helps agents navigate calls, messages, and more with ease. With a variety of customizable reports, wallboards, and realtime tools, supervisors can ensure their team members are exceeding customer expectations.

Alerts and Triggers allows you to customize notifications to send to your agents via email, SMS text, and screen pop messages. You can set up a threshold number for different events such as queued calls or missed calls, and when that threshold is hit, a notification is sent to your agent.


It’s important to have a clear understanding of customer interactions. With our reports, you have access to granular views into customer interactions, allowing you to better understand your team’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Custom Reports

Custom Reports is a feature of that allows supervisors to customize the data they receive, creating actionable insights that can drive business success.

Realtime View

Supervisors can track key metrics like call volume, average handle time, and customer satisfaction in real time, giving them the ability to make informed decisions that can improve the customer experience and drive business success.

Recording Library

The recording library is a valuable feature that gives supervisors the ability to see and listen to the recordings of any call made or received. With the recording library, supervisors can review calls to identify areas for improvement, ensure that policies and procedures are being followed, and provide targeted training to agents.

Not Sure What's Right For You?

If you’re trying to decide between a cloud software and an on-premise software, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind.

First, consider your business’s needs. If you have a large amount of sensitive data that needs to be stored locally, or if you require a high level of customization that may not be possible with a cloud-based solution, an on-premise software may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you have a smaller business with fewer data storage requirements, or if you want a more flexible and scalable solution, a cloud software may be the way to go. Keep exploring the solutions below.

Cloud Solutions

A cloud software solution is often the best choice for businesses that want a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution.

On-Premises Solutions

On-premises contact center solutions are best for organizations that have a need for a high level of control over their customer communication systems and data.

Feature Release Webinar

Join us for an exclusive webinar as we dive into our latest product releases for IVR, MMS Messaging, and Social Media Integration.

  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

  • MMS Messaging

  • Social Media Integration

Thursday, September 12, 2024 | 11:00AM ET