SMS Simplified
Instantly respond to customer inquiries by using SMS for your business. Deliver relevant and timely information in real-time right to your customers’ cell phones. Automate tedious processes with templates for faster communication.
Make SMS part of your customer strategy and deliver a frictionless experience.
Drive Customer Growth and Retention | Customer Service is Your Competitive Advantage

Drive Customer Growth and Retention
SMS enables your business to reach a larger audience and engage with customers in new ways. Increase your brand awareness and loyalty across the customer journey with multiple touchpoints.
Launch real-time communication with SMS via Xima for faster response times and improved resolution of customer issues.
Customer Service is Your Competitive Advantage
SMS is one of the most popular messaging channels in the world. Integrating SMS into the Xima platform enables your business to communicate with customers in a way they interact with people every day.
SMS can be accessed from anywhere in the world, making it a convenient communication channel for global customers.
Improve Customer Satisfaction
Faster Responses with SMS
Offer SMS customer support to resolve simple issues; and reduce call volume.
Use Your Primary Number, No Switching
Users can use their primary phone number as a text number, eliminating the need for multiple devices.
Quickly Resolve Simple Requests
With SMS many simple questions can be handled without ever speaking directly with an employee.
Escalate Complex Issues
An SMS interaction can quickly be escalated to a live agent with a simple request from your customer.
Cloud Capabilities
With a cloud phone system, your employees can easily connect with customers regardless of location. Your team will be able to access modern phone systems without investing in costly software.
Cloud phone systems also allow for greater scalability and flexibility, as you can easily add or remove users and features as needed. Pair it with our Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) software to truly take your customer service to the next level.
Try Xima yourself. Schedule a demo today.
Whether you’re a reseller, end user, or just a little curious, the Xima Suite has something to fulfill your business needs.
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