Customer Feature Webinar: Explore the latest releases in IVR, MMS Messaging, and Social Media Integration.

Software Update Support ProServices

Scope of Work

When purchasing professional services for Update Support for Chronicall or Avaya Call Reporting (XPS-UPD01), the following scope of work applies. If any service is needed outside of business hours (M-F 7a-5p MST), an after-hours add-on part number (XPS-AHS01) will need to be purchased.

​Xima Responsibilities

A Xima Project Manager will be assigned to the project to:

  1. Provide a workbook for data collection necessary to the update.
  2. Verify server specifications and design.
  3. Coordinate timelines, schedules, and communication among each party.

A Xima tech will be provided (remotely) to perform the following tasks of the update:

  1. Run a backup of the database prior to the update if it’s a feature release.
  2. Download and execute the correct update build.
  3. Verify connections and call logging after complete.
  4. Provide documentation for any core changes such as password changes, required scheduled backups, etc.

Responsibility of the Partner/Customer

Before installation can be scheduled:
Review the Avaya Call Reporting / Chronicall white sheet and confirm:            

  1. Your provided server meets the required specifications.

Complete the provided data collection workbook in a timely manner.

  1. Some discrepancies in the workbook may result in postponed updates.

Ensure remote access can be provided.

During Installation:
Provide a technical representative to be available during the beginning of the update and on-call in the event of an issue during the update.

  1. Provide access to server(s).
  2. Confirm update is clear to be executed.
  3. Help configure any updated connection details if applicable. For example, a DevLink3 connection.

The deployment project for Update Support will be considered completed once the Chronicall / Avaya Call Reporting service is successful in displaying new call logging and recording. Unless other modular-based professional services were purchased and have not been completed, the project manager will provide a Delivery and Acceptance letter, and any future support needed will continued to be handled by the Xima Support team using our help desk ticket system and/or calling for the duration of the Xima Care support subscription.

For the full Xima Support Agreement, click here.

Feature Release Webinar

Join us for an exclusive webinar as we dive into our latest product releases for IVR, MMS Messaging, and our Social Media Integration.

  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

  • MMS Messaging

  • Social Media Integration

Thursday, September 12, 2024 | 11:00AM ET