Webinar Recording

Contact Center Optimization:

Easy to Use, Easy to Set Up

If you have any questions, reach out to us!






[Nate Thatcher]

Welcome to the Xima’s Contact Center optimization.

Webinar. We’re super happy that you’re here with us this morning in order to be respectful to everyone attending and presenting.

So, today we’re going to be talking about Xima’s advanced applications.

And I wanted to provide a little bit of context about Xima strategy here, and why we brought on these awesome features into our product portfolio.

We’ve done business with most of you for quite a while.

A lot of you are, you know, via partners from back in the day selling our Solution Chronicle on IP offices or on Oura. And so you’re pretty familiar with what we’ve done.

So this is kind of a new thing that we’re launching here, which is super exciting.

Where we’ve traditionally fit in in the market.

As you’re probably aware, it is kind of in between basic acd, basic hunt groups.

And really expensive high end enterprise level contact centers.

We really aim to fill that gap there.

Well, and we’ve done that for quite a while.

And the things have kind of changed over the last little while the pandemic, you know, I feel really expedited.

Move to the cloud for a lot of Smb and Mid-market customers, and it also kind of started pushing these less sophisticated customers into scenarios where they needed more functionality. Right?

And so I remember, you know, 2020, right?

2020. Cody and I were doing a lot of traveling for Avaya.

We were traveling around the world doing partner enablement for Acr for via call reporting, and as a matter of fact, beginning of March, Cody and I were on our way to Jenna and Riyadh and in Saudi Arabia and we Flew Flew all the way

over to Cairo, and we were there for a day.

Went to see the Pyramids, and woke up the next morning to get on a plane and go to Riyadh.

And they closed the border for Covid. So we flew all the way over there and then couldn’t get on a plane.

And there’s kind of this mad dash to get back to the States, and I remember, we were sitting there in Paris waiting to come back, sitting in the sky, lounge watching the news.

The worst came when the President declared they were closing the border between the Us. And Europe, and we’re sitting there in Europe, and it’s kind of a crazy time.

I think we all had. You know, these moments where we knew things were changing.

At that point things started to change pretty rapidly, for Xima, and one of those things that changed was really the needs of these Smb customers.

Right. Everybody went remote, and suddenly they were struggling to manage their people, and we just started getting more and more and more requests for this advanced capability that used to only be available for enterprises.

But it was now kind of a fundamental thing that more of these smb and bit market customers really really needed it.

And so we’ve been working hard over the last little while to bring these components to market and to really continue to fill this need that we see that’s so so important and between basic Acd and overkill contact center and yes, the customer has changed a little bit in that space.

And so with us. So we’ve been doing a lot of innovation and a lot of product work to really nail that space and be the go-to solution for each one of you.

Anytime that you have customers that kind of fall into that gap.

That traditionally existed there so now that we’re kind of through the pandemic, looking back, it’s kind of interesting to see this change.

But we’re really excited today to dive into what we have and how we can fill this need.

That has come into play over the last few years. So with that I’ll go ahead and kick it over the last few years. So with that I’ll go ahead and kick it over to Jon Florence, our Vp.

Of industry solutions. Jon Florence, you walk us through what we’ve got here.

[Jon Florence]

Yeah, thank you. Nate, and thanks everyone for jumping on here.

I love doing these webinars. I love presenting, and you know, solving customers’ problems.

And really, that’s what I want to educate you on today.

We’re going to focus on this bottom right? Quadrant here that you can see on my screen those advanced applications.

Now, as we go through this, you know why advanced applications, Nick, kinda just highlighted why they matter so much.

Why do companies want these? And really what are advanced steps that could be?

That can mean a lot of things. Well, we’re going to focus on 3 categories here, workforce optimization, which includes things like screen capture, custom, scorecards also known as quality management.

And here’s where the optimization comes in as companies, as employees evaluate those calls.

They do that quality management. If it can automate coaching modules e.

Learning modules for those agents, so they can get better.

Those employees so they can get better and then you also want to drive performance.

You want to do that gamification, give them points, drive behavior with the tools in your environment.

So we’ll talk a little bit more about that workforce optimization.

Then we have an advanced option, which includes everything in that workforce optimization plus speech analytics speech, analytics is a big thing that’s being talked about.

In today’s market cause. In essence, it’s a form of AI companies are like, Oh, AI, and I have a bullet on this AI can mean a lot of different things.

It can be speech analytics where it can do key search for keywords and phrases.

It can auto score the calls based on those keywords and phrases it provides the transcript as well as sentiment analysis, so it can detect emotion.

So, instead of, you know, picking calls at random. Hoping to get the calls that you could use to coach up your team.

The speech, analytics can tell you. Here are great examples.

Here are great examples of good calls. Here are great examples of calls where you’re a team.

Members need to be coached up, and then you have the workforce management piece which can help you determine.

You know. Are you staffed appropriately? Are your agents adhering to a schedule?

Because every company has a process, but that process only works. If employees are following that process, that workforce management can help ensure that employees agents are following the process they’re following the schedule.

You’re serving the customers the best way you can to optimize your sla so we’re gonna dive into all 3 of these.

But we have a lot of people here. I think. Glass, I saw, was around 60 people.

What does this work with? Xima has released a whole slew of cloud products?

It works on those cloud products, our contact center, our ucast product and our contact center works with a number of these different clouds.

A number of these different cloud products, namely, Icloud Office, Ringcentral Office at hand.

Microsoft teams, Cisco, Broadsoft, Meta switch net sapiens just to name a few asterisk based systems.

But it also works with that top logo I wanna talk about here, Avaya, which probably us partners all have in common.

These advanced applications do work with the chronicle product as well as the Avaya call reporting product, which are all installed on prem.

And this can be added to those existing customers, or it could be net new sales.

We’ve been selling this and adding it on to net new on prem solutions as well as cloud, but as well as add on to those existing customers, and that could be kind of that transition to the cloud, because a couple of those products, the speed analytics and workforce management they are cloud products.

But they work with that on-prem system. 98% of businesses report.

They have some sort of cloud software. This can be that great transition.

Or if it can be a great solution for you as a partner, where you get that perpetual sale as well as some saas sale, kind of that hybrid model which is great for business opportunities.

Okay, so that gives you an idea of what it is that gives you an idea of you know what it works with.

So really, there’s a solution here for your existing customers, as well as those new customers, and it doesn’t matter which direction they want to go on-prem Cloud.

You have options for all of those. But why? Why are my advanced steps? You know?

Forget about the question. Tell me about your contact center. You all do this every day you’re talking to those customers.

We don’t want you to lead with. Tell me about your contact center.

This is what I say. You do this today.

A lot of you would probably agree. Oh, I don’t deal with a lot of contact centers.

This solution is really designed for those contact centers. But customers that don’t consider themselves a contact center.

That’s the bread and butter of Xima, and the bread and butter of a lot of our partners and customers. They want these features, but they don’t consider themselves a contact center and why the Zoom Events apps are such a great solution for that Smb Customer it’s a

a lot, Roi when compared to the competition. When you compare our advanced steps both on the cloud and a perpetual model to Calabrios, to variance to nice and contacts to 5 nights, you’re going to come in around 40 to 70% less then those competitive solutions so that means

greater opportunity to win, as well as you can mark those sales up.

You don’t have to eat at your margin to win the deal.

You can keep your margin very profitable. Now, what’s in it for the customer?

Well, they’re gonna save time and money or money with a much easier to use interface.

And I’m going to show that in a live demo today how easy and intuitive the interface is, which is kind of the Xima model.

We want to make our solution easy for customers to use. Okay?

And this is going to help drive value to your business, to your base, because you need reasons to constantly talk to your base.

And I can promise you, if you’re not talking to your basic customers.

All those cloud competitors out there are talking to those customers so you don’t want them to lose a deal.

I had a partner actually called me up after our intro webinar in April, and he’s like, I wish I would have known about this.

I just lost a customer because they wanted workforce management.

I like it. Well, unfortunately, now you know, it’s there.

Let’s go ahead and win business together.

You also mentioned it again. Those Cloud customers are reaching out to your customers.

You want to keep yourself competitive. There’s a market change and shifts in the market.

What I mean by that. If I’ve been doing this for 20 years now, if you would have asked me 5 years ago, and again, there’s 60 of you on here, I bet if we had a poll we would send it out.

You’d all probably agree with this statement if you would have asked me 5 years ago.

Let’s say, before Covid about workforce management, speech, analytics.

Workforce optimization. You would have thought enterprise grade, high end contact centers, 100 agents plus.

But over the last 2 to 3 years I’ve seen the market shift where those Smb customers are asking for these features.

We have customers with these features that have 20 agents, 30 agents, or 20 or 30 employees, again, because they don’t necessarily consider themselves a contact center.

I’ve got one right now. That was Rfp.

Xima went into bid with the need that advanced.

So the speech analytics and workforce optimization with 8 agents.

And we’re in the final 2. I asked them on the last call.

We didn’t have that what they’re like. Oh, you wouldn’t even get to the demo stage.

And so this is all coming up, and it’s relevant to every type of customer, especially that hybrid or work from home environment.

These tools really help optimize that work from the home environment. Another big thing, AI, AI, I’m calling it the buzz word for 2023.

You heard the buzz word here for 2023.

It’s kind of like VoIP in the early 2,000 sip in the late 2 thousands cloud, and about 5 years ago AI is the big thing now and again.

That speech analytics can be a form of AI.

The other great thing about the Xima solution. Turn-key deployments right when you get into advanced staffs.

Well, there’s some risk involved there, because they are advanced.

They’re not just, you know. Run the execute one.

Okay. You’re good to go. There’s training. There’s a setup.

Xima provides that turnkey deployment with our professional services team which Cody will talk about near the end, so I don’t want to spend too much time on it.

And I don’t want to spend too much time on it, and I don’t want to spend too much time on it.

You know, we’re really going to provide supervisors, productivity tools.

We’re going to provide supervisors, productivity tools. We’re going to provide agents, productivity, tools so they can do their job more.

So let’s go ahead and dive into those. And really where I want to start, let’s go ahead and start with the the workforce optimization piece, which again includes things like speech analytics, quality management coaching also known as learning and gamification this is the admin

interface, so from an admin interface, you can have your dashboard. I’ll come back to this in a bit.

But really, what does this allow you to do? Well, I’m going to take the recordings again.

Zoom a cloud acr chronicle, and it’s going to pair those recordings up with the agent screen.

Now, you can create different views and find the calls that you’re looking for based on a group agent, queue, etc.

But what I wanna okay, I wanna look at a call. I wanna listen to a call.

But I can also see what the agents are doing in real time on their screen.

So here you can kind of see the call, and you have your tools down here as a supervisor.

So if you have a long call, and you wanna listen to that a little faster.

Of course you can speed that up or slow the recording down, and it’s going to do that for both the screen as well as the call you have tools where you can add notes.

Okay. Well, you know, John, doing a webinar. So if anyone ever evaluated this or looked at this call later, they would see that note or that tag which you can filter, and you could search for making it easy to find calls, you can also add voice.

Annotation. So maybe the agent reviews this call later, and they’re looking at their score.

Oh, you can! Put in a voice. Annotation which is a recording on top of the other.

Call I won’t go ahead and do that. There, we’ll save that for this for the time being.

Now you’ll notice up here in the screen that is switched.

As I clicked later into the call with this auto turned on, and, as you can see, we can record dual monitors.

With that auto turned on. What? It’s going to do is it’s going to follow the cursor.

The mouse of the agent, and then right here, I wanna point out you’ll notice. Okay, it.

There’s no longer audio. What’s happening here?

We can tell the system to record. The agents screen during their after call work time.

So again, that business process. Okay, they took the call. They scheduled it.

Let’s look at healthcare. They scheduled the appointment but then, all of a sudden, there was this conflict.

We scheduled it for 110’clock, the customer saying 10.

Well, I have the audio settings. Oh, yeah, it was 10.

So how did it get scheduled for 110’clock?

Well, maybe it happened in that post call, and the agent went and filled out the wrong time.

So now you have that solution. Okay? And while we’re listening, or what the call, we have that quality management down here, those questions, those scorecards which are completely customizable.

So you can do things like, okay, of sliding scale 0 through 10, you could do.

Yes, no type questions or true false pick list options or free form text where you want to provide just any type of response.

Now, that’s awesome. That’s great quality management.

That’s a screen capture. That’s call recording. But here’s where the optimization comes in.

Here’s where it’s going to drive performance based off of the results.

So again, maybe I’m going to give the agent a 9 here.

Okay, maybe that gives them points driving that behavior. So they always take every call as seriously as the next.

Or maybe you know, this was unacceptable.

What do you want that to do? Well, I want to automatically assign a coaching module.

So the agent doesn’t get an unacceptable on the next call that I evaluate.

I want them to get better at it. How that’s going to be managed, and Bill is right here again.

I talked about the ease of use with the zoom solution up here.

You have your management. Really, these are the 4 things that customers are going to manage on a day-to-day basis.

First thing they’re going to do is they’re going to build out their questions.

What questions do they want to evaluate? Maybe my boss wants to see how was John’s webinar, so we’ll do this for call handling, and I’ll put in.

You know. How was the demo that could be a sliding scale, like I have here, you know, John, John did a great job giving him a 10 or an 8, or maybe even before, and give him a one or 2 or it could be again.

A pick list. And here’s again where you could have those points for gamification, and you can adjust this.

So if you don’t want it to be acceptable, you want to do something like something else, or add an option.

You know what I want to have an option where you know he needs training.

Put that in there. We’re gonna give it 0 points, and it may be acceptable.

I don’t wanna give them 50 points, maybe 10. So again, you have the gamification and right here you have the coaching module.

Okay. I’m gonna assign a training module, active, listening.

And I’m gonna sign that if they do acceptable or lower, and that’s good automatically assigned to the agent.

And in their dashboard they’re gonna see that it’s gonna be automatically assigned to the agent. And in their dashboard they’re gonna see those training that they can then complete, based on that information.

I always sell it to customers. I ask them, do you ever do training with your organization?

I’ve never had anyone say no to that. Everyone does some type of training, whether for existing hires or new hires.
I said, Okay, well, what if you train them once? Are they ready to go?

And no one says no to or yes to that as well.

They’re like, oh, no, they need some ramp period.

They need some constant reminders. So once you train that employee, assign that training or build that training right here under the E.

Cochain thinks of this as a repository for all your different types of training and we can upload things like URLs.

So, if they it’s external. URL, you can insert that here, or if it’s a Pdf, you can search that, or if it’s a video like this, zoom, I want this to be a training for future webinars.

I could take this video. And I could upload it right here and again, I’m gonna assign that.

Now, here’s the important aspect, of course you wanna make sure.

Okay. Agents watch the training. Or they read the Pdf.

Did they actually pay attention? We can also build out a quiz, making sure that they paid attention to that training module.

And you can run reports on those quizzes.

You can run reports on the evaluations. The scorecards.

You’re going to get additional reports beyond what you have from Xima today.

All around again, that workforce optimization and then, of course, those reports can be built into the dashboards, which is what you have here.

Now these are also completely customizable. I’ve got kind of a leader board up here and on the right here, showing my top performers.

Martha is now the top performer for this month, currently month to date, and I can see how many points each of the agents have earned.

I can also do bar charts or line charts, area charts.

You can do other different types of graphics of information. You want to see.

So up here I can see my service. I can see the results of some of those.

Okay, some people have been assigned coaching modules.

I can see Christy here has completed some quizzes and some coaching, but oh, gosh!

Janet and Sharon haven’t. Maybe I want to send a reminder.

Be like, Hey, you’re overdue for this training module you got assigned it for a reason.

Go complete it, and I can see when that happens and again, you can give points for completing those quizzes as well.

Maybe they scored really well, okay, we want to drive that agent’s behavior.

That’s the optimization. Okay, so that is a very quick overview of the workforce optimization.

Let’s now move into the workforce. Optimization advanced, which includes things like speech, analytics.

So it includes everything I just showed, but also is speech. Analytics.

Now one important thing before I actually move on this here, this workforce optimization can be hosted in the cloud.

So a sas model, or it can be installed on prem as well.

So you have both options for this. The speech analytics is purely a sas.

And again, it works in that hybrid model. So maybe work for us.

Optimization is on-prem, and then speech analytics is in that cloud, giving you the best of both worlds from a partner.

Perspective cash upfront, and perpetual sell, as well as recurring revenue from a Sas perspective, and customers may like that model as well.

Some things they want to pay for upfront, some things they want to pay for as a subscription.

Or again, so here is that speech analytics. Now the reason why this is advanced.

It’s gonna do kind of what we just did.

But it automates all of it, and then it gives you some other feature functionality up here.

So here I have kind of my dashboard here, looking at the last month, as you can see, I could sort this by call volume, or, you know, agent emotion, client emotion, cause again, it does do that sentiment and analysis it will load up your different charts.

But maybe I want to search for keywords and phrases.

I wanna search for you to know the word cancel. Did anyone cancel their contract?

Let’s find out where you saw it. I just searched.

You know 7,000 calls, and I just got 403 entries where it’s set the word cancel, and I got a little snippet down here, so I can kind of see a preview.

Okay, what’s going on where are you looking to cancel, anyway?

I need to go ahead and cancel. If you want to dig into any of these calls, you just click that wave file.

There. It’s going to pull up that call. The application score as well as the transcript, and if you want to download any of that, okay, here, I’ve got my text file you’ve got a Json file so if you want any type, of integrations, and Mp, 3, so again, if you

Want that recording? Now over here on the Transcript. You can kinda see some green and some red charts of what’s going on there.

That’s that sentiment analysis. It’s flagging the calls based off of key words as well as that client or agent tone.

Cause you’ll notice here. Oh, no, maybe Kate is a negative.

Well, it didn’t highlight right here. So again, it’s taking into account that tone.

So, not every time a word. It could be negative. If you keep scrolling through, you can click in.

Oh, I want to permanently as well. The agent seems to get really upset here.

What’s going on with the agent and there’s some silence in the call.

I can click in and start playing. From that point, I can hear exactly what was said.

Now again the AI. Well, I wanted to score the call, so I don’t have time to sit here and listen to these.

I just wanted to tell me which calls I need to make, and where my agency will improve.

That’s these application scores. Here. I can see this agent add a quick glance on this call.

Got a hundred percent in their communication skills. Only 50% on compliance, 100% on politeness and 50% on customer experience.

This is where your customers have the control cause.

Every company is unique. Everyone is going to have different types of calls and things they want to in essence score the agents on.

So for example, communication skills, okay, did they ask for the reason for the call?

And you can click on that. And it’s gonna get highlighted.

In yellow, where that was at. So you could see why it scored it.

Okay? When did they show active listening again? Some people might refer to active listening as different things, a better way to show this is compliance.

Okay. This agent got 50%. Why? Well, they verified the name.

Okay, click on that. May have your name, please. Perfect. But they never verified the social security number.

There’s nowhere I can have your social life. There are Apis for the record where you could stop the recording so that way, we’re not actually capturing credit card information, social security numbers.

If you wanted a better example of society, maybe. Can I have your account? Number?

That’s used all the time. Did they verify the account number so that way the agent could get a hundred percent on that compliance?

Are they polite? Were they customers’ experiences? What was it?

Were there positive things where they’re negative things? Another. Again, these applications.

They can be customized. So you can build one for the sales team.

Okay, I want to score my sales team. Are they talking about our current promotions?

I can build an application to make sure they’re talking about current promotions.

Are they talking about the ability to upgrade? Are they talking about Cloud?

So you could again have these different keywords and phrases that the system is automatically scoring them on.

And then from your dashboard, if you go, look at your specific application, it’s gonna bring in those scores based off of again the different areas you want to score that it’ll break it down by team members.

So you can see their overall scores. And again, if you want to dig into any of those now I’m just looking at all of Daniel’s calls.

Click on that. And I have my full transcripts again.

Those scores again. Some might not give them a 0% might just be a none.

Some calls might not be applicable. This was a very short call here, where it’s just kind of looking for some people’s address.

That’s speech analytics again, a very powerful tool and a great thing.

A lot of customers are asking about it. And again, if you don’t think your customers are asking about it, if they’re talking to any other, or if a Cloud Company is calling them I could promise you they’re going to ask them about it, and so you don’t want to lose out on those opportunities for

that the last piece from an advanced application.

I’m gonna review workforce management. Well, what is workforce management?

Well, it’s really you kind of break it down to 3 things. It’s a lot, but it could be summarizing it.

3 things, forecasting, scheduling, and scheduled adherence.

Now, what is all that going to do? It’s all going to work together, based off your forecast where you can optimize your sla and it’s gonna do the work for the supervisor and scheduled those agents out periodically so your staff to optimize that schedule so you

can hit your SLAs, which matters to all types of companies.

So it’s. It’s a fantastic solution for companies that have multiple shifts.

If there are multiple shifts, they’re spending a lot of time building out those schedules.

I can promise that huge roi right there. But even if they’re not, if everyone still works 8 to 5, okay?

But is everyone taking their lunch at noon? If that could cause a problem?

Is everyone taking the same breaks, or are they all talking about yesterday’s game at the same time.

What’s happening with your clients? So here is that dashboard?

Okay, this blue line. And these are customizable. Customers can build whatever dashboards they want.

They can have multiple dashboards for different departments or queues.

But here’s my dashboard overall. This blue line is my projected forecast.

The yellow line is what actually happened here. So you can see we just opened.

Well, we actually got a little bit more than our project forecasts, and I can see that down here in my dashboards I could see what my agents are doing down here in the dashboard.

The yellow line again, is what has actually happened in this purplish line is the differential so you can see this site. It’s just open.

So it’s going to periodically fill out throughout the day.

And of course you have reporting so you can run reports on all this information as well.

But again, how did it get here? Well, it’s gonna be used again. Chronic.

Le acr. And just so you’re on the Avaya side.

This is supported on IP office as well as Avaya aura.

Some of those, if I or products are coming end of life, end of sale.

So we’ve seen a lot of attention and companies coming to us looking for a solution on that of enterprise. Avaya!

So don’t just think IP office don’t just think aco also think of I enterprise.

And again, if you’ve ever looked at the vert on Avaya, and they’re gone.

It’s too expensive. So you didn’t get anything this is a great opportunity to jump in there, or if they’re just looking to save money, because maybe the Ipos is too expensive.

Now they’re good opportunity there. So how did we get here?

Well, it’s taking that call volume for those expert agent selection groups, those skills in Acr or IP office or chronicle hunt groups.

And then it’s taking to account that call volume.

And it’s building out a projected forecast. Now, if you do have our cloud contact center or on Prem, it does take into account all the different types of communication.

So I’ve got phones. I’ve got emails.

I’ve got web chats over here. If a company’s not doing that, of course you can take that out.

Now, how did it build this forecast, this top chart is the total number of contacts.

How many emails, did I? How many checks, how many phone calls for my different queues down here along the bottom is the average handle time of those communications.

And again it built this forecast because of these previous weeks.

Here you can see this a little bit better on a week view.

You can kind of see. Well, why did I have this up and down schedule well based off of the weeks previous that you selected?
It looks like mostly in May. Here. That’s what happened.

And so based off of these call volumes, we project.

This is, gonna be your forecast. And well based off your sla’s.

How many agents do we recommend we’re gonna give you a maximum and a minimum.

Okay. Now to build a forecast. It’s really simple.

Really simple for the customer, but it takes time to have that data.

Now, if there is previous data, if it can be exported, we can import it, but otherwise it’s gonna use that chronicle or acr data for that.

If I enterprise, IP office, or again, cloud product aco, or any of the other cloud products, using zoom to ccast, it’s gonna take that data and it’s gonna save it.

And then, if I wanna create a new forecast, I just simply hit, create and a forecast.

And we’ll just say, Demo right here. Then hit next all the green weeks they’re done, and I have my selected queues.

If I wanted to edit that, and you know, only do it for specific queues, or take a queue out.

I could do that. But here we start getting into some weeks that are yellow or that are orange or red.

The red. There’s no forecast built so I could select those, and I can create 4 casts for multiple weeks at the same time. If I want to.

So really again, driving that Roi and speeding up time.

But I select my weeks. Okay for that selected week. What are your source? Weeks?

Well, we need to go 5 weeks where we have data on our source weeks here I have those source weeks, and I can select those in there.

Oh, I don’t think I actually hit next. Here’s my source week.

Sorry. Here’s my source Weeks, because you should see a combo of you know what was the average Channel time and what was the total number of contacts.

So you can select weeks that you feel are going to be similar to this week.

So this week we had a holiday. So if I’m projecting for maybe next week, where there’s a holiday, I might wanna pick other weeks where I’ve had holidays because I feel they’re going to be similar.

And I go in there, and I can wait weeks a little differently, and then I hit, create 4, cast.

It’s gonna build that forecast. Now that’s that’s great.

You’re gonna have an idea of where you’re at, and you could see you can adhere to it.

But let’s keep going on that workforce management cause.

The next step is the scheduling again. This is where a huge roi is built, and it’s going to stagger your agents for the hours that you’re open.

It’s gonna stagger their shifts. It’s their breaks.

It’s gonna stagger their lunches. So again, your staff based off.

That required maximum a minimum to maximize your response.

Time to, so you can hit your sla. That’s what customers care about.

They wanna make sure they did that. But what they really gain from this is, I didn’t have to spend the time building out the schedule now.

Maybe someone called in 6, so I need a modify a schedule manually.

I could do that if I need to. And again, it’s gonna build out the schedules for the day.

It’s going to build out the schedules for the week.

So you have a week view and a month view, and it’s going to produce those to the agents now, down under here, under people in your agents, you can build their profiles.

So agents can put their preferred start times. They could put their preferred start times they could put their preferred end times.

So again and then also takes into account. Are they full time employee or part time employee?

So it’s taking in that information it’s taking into account their vacation days.

It’s they can. Shift, swapped with other agents just in case they got one thing’s come up. It empowers the agents.

That’s where the agents have a productivity tool as well.

So they are empowered, they can submit their Pto requests.

They can submit all that information, and there is an Api to send this to other payroll type systems.

Okay. Now, back to the scheduling again. I have my scheduled work.

How did it build this? Just as simple as the forecast?

I come up here into my schedule calendar.

Okay, this, all these forecasts have been published. So I can go over here.

Oh, here’s some that have been scheduled, but I actually haven’t published the forecast so just can’t see yet.

So I could hit this check mark and publish it. But oh, well, for some reason this week, right here at the end of July, hasn’t build a schedule yet, so I can select that week, and I can simply hit run schedule, and in a matter of seconds it’s gonna take into account

all those agent profiles their Pto days that they have off they’re prefer to start times, and it’s gonna build the schedule out for the supervisors.

So huge save of time. Customers absolutely love that when they see how easy it is.

Oh, my gosh! I’m not dealing with excel spreadsheets anymore.

Or I’m not logging into my Hr software.

And you know, doing one engine at a time. It shows it and it publishes it so I can see it all at a quick glance.

Okay, what did it build for me? Here it is. And again, I could select a different date and time here if I wanted to.

Right here now a forecast and a schedule are only good.

If agents follow that schedule, you could schedule your agents, show up at 7 Am.

But if they don’t start rolling it at any end that could throw off the entire day, you’re now hitting your sla some companies get penalized for that, based off of their clients.

So you have that real time adherence. This is where it’s getting that data from.

Chronicle, or from Xima cast, to make sure, you know, are the agents following said Schedule.

So I can filter this by team, or I can filter this down by campaigns.

Maybe I want to look at the team or I could filter this down by campaigns.

Maybe I want to look at the patient services team let’s see how they’re doing.

They’re just starting here. In fact, yeah, they just started up, and I already have a couple of agents out of compliance.

So this top line here is their schedule, the bottom line is what they did.

So I could see when they just logged in. They were on a call where they were doing a follow-up.

May they doing an email? And then whenever you see red lines like this, that means they’re out of compliance.

And I can see Christie and Veronica are instantly out of compliance.

Why, they’re both in team meeting. Maybe they’re on this webinar, but they weren’t scheduled to be what they were scheduled to be is on the phones on the emails logged into the queues and again.

You could go run this historically. So if we wanna go look at last week, I can see that and I can see an overall score.

And you know, Overall, everyone is doing a pretty good job.

It looks like Christine might have been the lowest year at and you know, Overall, everyone is doing a pretty good job.

It looks like Christine might have been the lowest here at 93%. Excellent job.

Mandy at 100%. And you can build in a tolerance because the reality is, you might not line up perfectly.

Here’s a great example of that. So here is a little bit of example of that tolerance.

So I can see Yolanda here was scheduled for lunch, but she didn’t actually log in to take her lunch until a couple of minutes late, because she was doing a follow-up.

She was doing her post call work what we want our agents to do that so you could build a tolerance where they could, you know, take their break or their lunches or team meetings, whatever a little before or a little bit after so it doesn’t penalize the agents on that information.

Now, that was a lot of information, but hopefully you could see the value that this can add to.

Again those on-prem customers, those cloud customers.

So what do you do next? I’m gonna go ahead and turn this over to Cody to talk about what you, as a partner could do next.

Get training on these advanced applications. Webinar, Demos demos for customers.

How to get a quote, Cody’s gonna talk about what are appropriate next steps.

Go ahead! Cody!

[Cody Winget]

Great thanks, John, as you can probably see, John makes the really difficult look easy it’s kind of like when you’re sitting watching a professional athlete like either do a windmill Dunk, or throw football 60 yards whatever they’re doing like you’re like I can do that.

No, you can. John makes the really difficult and complex look really easy.

So we’re here to help you and, as you’ve noticed, team has really been hard at work at developing these new products and services that will make a difference in your business.

And, as Nate indicated, and as you can all confirm the global workforce landscape has changed.

You know, remote work, hybrid work, whatever you prefer to call it.

It’s pretty much here to stay right, and so to our strategic partners and to our current partners, and even perspective partners that joined us today.

These are the tools, as John explained and demonstrated, that you really need to equip yourselves with and be competent.

Be fluent in explaining and describing, in order to discover opportunities that exist in your funnel that exist in your base of customers or perspective customers.

But like I said, Don’t worry. Zoom is here to help you.

I look at all that Wf, wfm, in my brain starts going a little crazy, because again, John makes it look really easy.

But it’s with the appropriate training and onboarding I’m confident that all you guys can really embrace it.

Wrap your arms around it, your minds around it, and really deliver that that feature set to your business into your customers.

So we wanna have those appropriate conversations, not only with you and your teams, but with your customers and perspective customers.

And for customers and perspective customers that joined us today.

Hopefully, you can see the value in the tooling that John went over everyone, even down to the small business, needs the tools to better manage their workforce, even if that workforce is onsite or remote.

You need to be able right to maximize your efficiency and your employee’s efficiency, and you need to be able to manage how they are performing what they’re doing, what they are saying to deliver better overall customer experience right.

I think we could all turn agree with that. I’m sure most of you like Xima.

You. You have to do more with less. We have a smaller workforce, but we’re still expected to.

Deliver world class service and support. So how can we accomplish that with fewer people, fewer bodies?

And really the answer is pretty easy. Just leveraging this workforce optimization and workforce management tech.

That’s exactly why we call it workforce optimization and workforce management.

It empowers us to manage our workforce better. Okay.

So to our trusted partners. Here’s the invitation I invite all of you to examine your current work in opportunities, and ask the appropriate questions of your existing customers.

Even perspective customers, which is, how do you manage and optimize the workforce and still achieve your service level objectives and deliver an excellent customer?

Experience with less staff and less people, invite all of you to have these conversations with Xima sales.

Engineer, Vp. Of engineering job, and what Nick Whitaker and Patrick Willis, and with your Xima Channel manager, let’s see my help.

You identify which customer environments can be optimized with our new tech and for our customers and users with us today, let’s have a conversation and dialogue how to leverage this technology in your environment and what it means to you and your organization.

So please reach out to your technology partner or you may reach out directly to Xima, and we’ll engage with you with your partner.

So I’m warning you right now you’re gonna get an email from me.

I wanna have a talk. I wanna have a dialogue.

Want to have a conversation, and for you partners of ours that are serious and rolling up your sleeves and jumping into this, we wanna take the time, and on board you and give you the appropriate training that you can be equipped and be pretty dangerous with wfo, and wfm, okay?

So with that you’re gonna hear from us. I truly appreciate you joining us today.

And together we’re we’re gonna do great things here at the end of 2023.

So thank you for your time and attention today.

Awesome. Thanks. Thanks. Cody, thanks. Thanks. John. Great job.

Well, that’s that’s the webinar. We’ve got some questions that are piling up here in the, we’ll stick around and answer them as long as you folks want to want to ask them.

So John, we’ve got a few here. You want to help us out.

We’ll jump right in.

Yeah, yeah, you could tell, I work with our products a lot, not a ton of zoom.

I went to answer Marios, Kelly and hit the live.

What I meant. I could just type this out, but it’s great for everyone.

Do you have any experience on 9? 1 one call Center integrations? We’re done with less than 1 min calls.

Yes, our solution has been deployed into different emergency services, organizations, those quick answers the call recording obviously, is very important in those different organizations.

So short? Answer borrowed? Yes, I won’t take this opportunity to kinda discuss what?

Are. Where. What type of environment is this sold into our top?

5 verticals at Xima, for both our on-prem and cloud ccast product are very similar.

Our most successful verticals include healthcare really being number one, financial services.

So credit unions, banks, stock trading type companies, all do really well with our solution.

In fact, a financial is our largest ccast. Actually, it’s both for Chronicle and Cass.

Interestingly enough, one is a trading company with about 1,300 agents on the Ccast side and on the Chronicle. Slash Hcr.

Side, another one is a tax type company that has around 900 agents.

So give you some real-world examples. There. Other verticals include transportation sled, specifically city and state do really well with the Xima solutions as well as business services.

So just a few verticals. There!

With the solution? Does the contact center agent web portal change?

No great question. The contact center agent client is still their primary tool to log in and out to do their screen pops down their personalized displays, to go on.

Do not disturb and select the appropriate recent codes.

Do the multi channels, web chats, emails. SMS is if they’re in that cloud contact center environment.

That is still the solution the agents just have a different interface, for, like the workforce management, where they can go in and see their shift, you know, proposal, shift, swap, request.

Pto. Things of that nature, and then they can also have that interface for the workforce optimization to go in and get access to the recordings.

Go see how their supervisors scored calls go in and take their quizzes, so it just provides them a second, much like they would have today, though.

So if you’re like oh, different, they still have those today, I promise they still have some other tool to go.

Request Pto today somewhere else so it’s not really changing.

The interface is just again making it easier, and a single cohesive solution which is gonna provide customers.

Great Roi again. Let’s go back back to the workforce management.

00:46:47.000 –> 00:46:51.000
I wanted to address this I thought about it last night. What I wanted to review.

I didn’t do it so here’s my chance.

Everyone has worked for my home employees right?

If you’re paying them off of a specific hour or shift, how do you know they actually work that shift?

Oh, they said they worked 8 to 5. How do you know with the Xima solution and with the workforce management you have verify that.

And when employees know that they’re being monitored for this, and it’s going to affect their paycheck, that adherence goes up, you’re gonna get more productivity out of the agent, which is where the customer benefits.

Answer. Live on prep. Yes, again, just to recap on-prem solutions, because I saw some questions on avaya aura.

Via IP. Office server edition. Small queue that community network single IP.

500 cloud solutions, Asio napens, metaswitch teams, broadsoft asterisk, just to name a few.

Is there any demo video links that I can send to clients?

Yes, I do have some recordings. Unfortunately, I show anonymous attendees, so I don’t know who to send that to.

So here is my email address, send me an email, and we do have recorded videos or, like Cody mentioned, get us involved with a demo I love devil.

Hmm, hmm!

Can you tell? Can you tell? I like to talk to customers, and it makes it even better when I get in front of customers, because instead of doing a general solution, I like to do solution selling so we wanna focus on what are their needs if their needs not speech analytics.

I’m not gonna try to fit a square peg into a round hole.

There needs more on the workforce management side. Let’s focus on the workforce management side of the tools.

They need to make their jobs easier there.

What about predictive dialer features? Cody would like to answer this live, Cody, go ahead.

Oh, you you were on a roll, John. I just figured I would click the button for you.

I was. I just flying. I slide.

Answer a lot. Well, actually, it’s a that’s excellent question.

Our current product team is actually undergoing some discovery work around what types of predictive dialers are important.

Obviously, there’s preview dialers, progressive dialers, predictive dialers.

I’ve been involved in telecom way too long.

It seems like every year I’ve been in telecom.

Those dialer options are necessary. So our again, our our product team is currently exploring what the possibilities are within Xima to leverage, dialer capabilities.

If there’s any one thing that would probably be a little bit more easy at this point in time would probably be like a preview dialer.

But our product team will be assessing the situation here in the next quarter, and then identifying what might be possible.

So be looking forward. At another announcement here in the next quarter.

Where we’re going to probably take that that technology, that roadmap.

But today it’s not available with Xima. But that’s not saying.

Yeah, II wouldn’t expect I wouldn’t expect it to be released in Q.

3, you know. It’s kind of interesting. Those data solutions are tend to be pretty old, right?

Old school and mentality and methodologies and things have kind of changed.

Outbound has changed significantly over the last 10 years, and so our team is looking at that.

What’s the right solution for our ideal customers and for our partners, and where they’re playing.

And so that research is going on right now. And so I would expect that by the end of Q.

3 will have a clear path and roadmap of what we’re going to produce in that space, because it’s still, it’s still a big need.

Still a big request that we get. We just wanna make sure that we do it right that we don’t build something that’s just going to add blow to the to the solution and make it you know hard for our partners to position and win with it.

So it really needs to, you know, hit the nail on the head, that’s what we’ve been trying to do with everything that we’ve been doing.

But this one in particular. I feel like we could miss pretty hard if we if we don’t do it right.

Great. Okay. We cleared out the question. Queue. We’re happy to answer any more. If you have, we’re just rif for a little bit. But I think you guys are all pretty much pretty much tired of us. So really really appreciate each one of you being here today, we appreciate your business.

We appreciate your partnership like coding, John said. Please get us involved. There’s no way it does a demo better than John Florid. So get in front of your customers and let’s do some business together.Please let us know how we can help. Thank you very much. Really really appreciate it and have a wonderful day and a strong close to the quarter. So thanks, everybody.

Feature Release Webinar

Join us for an exclusive webinar as we dive into our latest product releases for IVR, MMS Messaging, and Social Media Integration.

  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

  • MMS Messaging

  • Social Media Integration

Thursday, September 12, 2024 | 11:00AM ET